Crown Point Community Library

Library Updates

Winter Reading

Posted by lclemons on

Snow Many Good Books! The library’s Winter Reading Event is just around the corner! Registration opens on January 4. Read more about it here.

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New Service – Children’s Book Bundles

Posted by lclemons on

Not sure what books to choose for your child?

Check out a new service at the library called Children’s Book Bundles!

Complete the form below and our children’s librarian will select 3-5 books, place them on hold for you, and let you know when they are ready for pick up.

Adults are encouraged to preview the book selections. While we will try our best, we cannot guarantee every book will be the right fit. If you don’t like it, simply bring it back and we will be happy to try again!

Questions? Visit or call 306-8068.

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Support Your Library TODAY! #GivingTuesday

Posted by lclemons on

Kick off the giving season today! #GIVINGTUESDAY

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement, unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. This day (December 1, 2020) is an opportunity to use your individual power of generosity to make an impact.

This year has been filled with challenges, but the Crown Point Community Library has reimagined and expanded traditional library services to meet the interests and needs of our community:

    • Offered contactless curbside service at both locations.
    • Offered one-on-one reference assistance by phone.
    • Extended free WiFi access to the parking lot areas at both locations.
    • Facilitated an online system to process new library cards, updated expired cards, or assigned pin numbers for community members.
    • Expanded online access for all digital resources. 
    • Created an eLearning Resource guide to assist schools and teachers.
    • Produced virtual programming videos, for all ages, including curbside take & make activity bags.
    • Offered curbside computer carts equipped with internet access, printing, scanning, and copying capabilities.
    • Acquired new digital resources: Creativebug, TumbleMath, TeenBook Cloud, and AudioBookCloud.
    • Provided outreach materials to senior living centers.

In addition, our Friends of the Library would like to thank the community for supporting their organization throughout the year and attending their recent book sales.  As a special benefit, they have extended the membership, for their current members,  through 2021.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding in these unusual times. 

Please support your Library by participating in #GivingTuesday!

Your donation of any amount will allow the Library to enhance
services to improve the quality of lives and create a stronger community.

To participate donate today!

Donations can also be mailed to:
Crown Point Community Library, 122 Main Street, Crown Point, IN 46307
Phone: (219) 306-4599

Thank you for supporting the Crown Point Community Library!


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Bond Sale Notice, Employment Opportunities and other Library news

Posted by lclemons on

Bond Sale Notice

To read the full notice, please click here:

Employment Opportunites

The Library has several positions open.  For complete job descriptions and how to apply, please visit. 

Book Sale

Friday, October 23 is the last day of the book sale. The sale is located at the Crown Point location and is open from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. All items will be discounted to $1 a bag.

Trick or Treat/Pumpkin Walk around the Court House Square

Visit the Library on Halloween and take a stroll down our  “Spooky Sidewalk” (a chalk obstacle course on the sidewalk in between the green space and the Library), enjoy the outdoor story walk, and then visit our booth on the Court House lawn. Staff members will hand our free Halloween take & make crafts and other treats!

For virtual programming announcements and other Library news please follow us on Facebook or sign up to receive the Library’s newsletter by email.

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Library Building Are Open – Stage 5 service model

Posted by lclemons on

Change of Library Hours & Services

As Indiana moves into Stage 5, the Library will shift from “Grab and Go” to a “Stay, Sit & Study” service model and will now permit patrons the ability to sit down and use our space.  Only limited seating has been reintroduced to the Library spaces with all seating maintaining social distancing between seating areas and from staff areas.

Seating in the Library:

  • All tables have chairs returned
  • Seating returns to select areas (only vinyl upholstered easy chairs have been returned to aid disinfecting)
  • Due to the need to maintain social distancing, tables and chairs may not be moved
  • Groups gathering and sitting on the floor is not permitted


  • Quiet Room is for silent study only
  • Study Rooms are for INDIVIDUAL USE ONLY
  • No limit on the amount of time spent in the library
  • Computer time restored to normal length
  • One-on-One assistance or service will require the patron to wear a mask properly over the nose and mouth

The following rooms remain closed:

  • Internet Cafe
  • Meeting Rooms
  • Children’s Program Room
  • Game Room
  • Indiana Room (open by appointment/arrangement only)

 Still suspended:

  • In-Library, in-person library programming for all ages
  • Public use of meeting rooms


  • Masks are still required to use the library regardless of the duration of the visit
  • Social distancing
  • At this time NO FOOD is allowed in the Library, but drinks are permitted
  • Tables and chairs will be treated as high touch surfaces and will be cleaned daily
  • Curbside services
  • Virtual programming and take & make activity bags

Beginning Saturday, October 17 the Crown Point location will extend its hours of operation:

Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Saturday: 12 – 5 p.m.

Sunday: Closed.


Like and follow our Facebook page for up-to-date Library service information and virtual programming announcements!


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Library Buildings are open – read more about how we are serving the community!

Posted by lclemons on

Indiana Humanities awards the Crown Point Community Library the Advancing Racial Equity Collection Development Grant


The Crown Point Community Library is pleased to announce the award of $995 from the Advancing Racial Equity Collection Development Grant from Indiana Humanities with funds from Lily Endowment Inc. The generous grant allowed us to purchase additional materials, in multiple formats, related to issues of race, diversity, and inclusion to add to our collection.

We appreciate the support from Indiana Humanities as we continue to inform, enrich, and empower our community through diverse collections.

This program has been made possible through a grant from the INDIANA HUMANITIES with funds from LILLY ENDOWMENT INC.

Change of Library Hours & Services


As Indiana moves into Stage 5, the Library will shift from “Grab and Go” to a “Stay, Sit & Study” service model and will now permit patrons the ability to sit down and use our space.  Only limited seating has been reintroduced to the Library spaces with all seating maintaining social distancing between seating areas and from staff areas.

Seating in the Library:

  • All tables have chairs returned
  • Seating returns to select areas (only vinyl upholstered easy chairs have been returned to aid disinfecting)
  • Due to the need to maintain social distancing, tables and chairs may not be moved
  • Groups gathering and sitting on the floor is not permitted


  • Quiet Room is for silent study only
  • Study Rooms are for INDIVIDUAL USE ONLY
  • No limit on the amount of time spent in the library
  • Computer time restored to normal length
  • One-on-One assistance or service will require the patron to wear a mask properly over the nose and mouth

The following rooms remain closed:

  • Internet Cafe
  • Meeting Rooms
  • Children’s Program Room
  • Game Room
  • Indiana Room (open by appointment/arrangement only)

 Still suspended:

  • In-Library, in-person library programming for all ages
  • Public use of meeting rooms


  • Masks are still required to use the library regardless of the duration of the visit
  • Social distancing
  • At this time NO FOOD is allowed in the Library, but drinks are permitted
  • Tables and chairs will be treated as high touch surfaces and will be cleaned daily
  • Curbside services
  • Virtual programming and take & make activity bags

Beginning Saturday, October 17 the Crown Point location will extend its hours of operation:

Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Saturday: 12 – 5 p.m.

Sunday: Closed.


Like and follow our Facebook page for up-to-date Library service information and virtual programming announcements!

Celebrate Library Card Sign-Up Month with Wonder Woman!


Library Card Sign-up Month, a time when libraries nationwide join together to remind parents, caregivers, and students that signing up for a library card is the first step towards academic achievement and lifelong learning.

This year, DC’s Wonder Woman is embarking on a mission to champion the power of a library card as Library Card Sign-up Month Honorary Chair. In her new role, Wonder Woman will promote the value of libraries and encourage everyone to get their very own library card.

For a limited time, we have a special edition Wonder Woman library card, anyone can apply for this card,
find out how you can get one here.

Grab N’ Go Service Model


School is back in session and the Crown Point Community Library is here to support the educators, parents, and students. The Library empathizes with the challenges each school system is currently facing with the ramifications of COVID-19.  The Library also faces similar challenges with keeping our staff and patrons safe. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Library has developed new and innovative ways to provide service to community members. The Library has had to alter and adjust to new ways of providing service but is committed to supporting our students, parents, and educators in any way possible.

Currently, the Library is using a “Grab and Go” service model that ensures that we are able to maintain building capacity and physical distancing requirements. With that focus in mind, the Library has made several changes which may impact your students and their families:

  • The Grab and Go service model allows individuals to enter the building to check out materials and use the library’s public computers for up to an hour, but longer visits are not permitted at this time. 
  • In our current COVID service model, space usage is currently unavailable for tutoring, individual or group studying, reading, or relaxing. 
  • Library programming and meeting room use are suspended.
  • The Library is not able to function as an after school destination nor a remote learning location due to restrictions on time spent in the building and our limited use model. 
  • The Library’s seating areas are not available for congregating. 
  • Outdoor WIFI is available 24/7 in our library parking lots and does not require a password.
  • Curbside service is available to pick up library materials during library open hours.

Thank you for your patience and understanding! 


Updated July 21, 2020

Welcome back to your library!

Starting Tuesday, July 21, 2020, in accordance with Governor Holcomb’s #MaskUpHoosiers initiative and the Lake County Health Department Public Health Order 20-01, the Crown Point Community Library will be requiring the use of masks for all library visitors over the age of 2.  Combined with frequent handwashing and social distancing, wearing a face mask is one of the most effective ways to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Thank you for joining the Crown Point Community Library in keeping our community healthy and allowing the library to continue to serve the needs of our community.  For more information regarding this change read our FAQ: Mask Requirement CPCL

To prepare for your visit to the Library:

  • Please remember to bring your mask starting July 21. Masks will not be provided by the library.
  • Everyone 2 years of age and older must wear a mask to enter the library locations.
  • If you are unable to wear a mask the library has created accommodations for service including:
    • Curbside pick of library materials
    • Phone reference or virtual reference
    • Assisting with materials selection and placing holds on requested materials
    • Lobby computer station for computer use, scanning, printing, and copying
    • 24/7 public wifi available outside library locations

On Monday, June 15, we reopened our buildings to the public with limited capacity. While we’re eager to open our doors to the public, we believe it is important to do our part to prevent a resurgence of COVID-19, and are moving forward with an emphasis on safety and innovation to provide a safe environment for our visitors and staff. We have altered the methods of some of our services for initial reopening:

  • Limited service hours
  • Library access will be limited to a  “Grab ‘n Go” service, allowing visitors to select materials for immediate checkout
  • Computers are limited to one-hour sessions; the curbside computing mobile units are available in the lobby for quick service
  • All in-library programming and meeting room reservations remain suspended at this time
  • Curbside services will continue through the summer
  • Our book drops are open so you can return materials
  • Library materials returned will quarantine for 72 hours before checking in and re-shelving, items will remain on patrons record during quarantine, however, no fines will accumulate
  • All materials, checked out prior to our March 16 closure are due June 15, fees and fines will be waived through July 1; however, normal charges will begin after that date
  • We are not accepting donations at this time

Click on the unicorn to read our summer newsletter for more information about Library services and virtual programming!

Updated June 8, 2020


Read a letter from the director here.




Updated June 1, 2020


Crown Point Community Library receives $10,000 funding relief provided to Indiana humanities organizations through CARES Grants

The Library is pleased to announce the award of $10,000 from the Indiana Humanities with funds from the CARES Act.  This CARES grant funding will provide operating support to help with funding relief due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are grateful to the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), which provided funding to Indiana Humanities as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act economic stabilization plan appropriated by the U.S. Congress.


Updated May 26, 2020


The Library is excited to introduce a new curbside service: “Curbside Computing” mobile carts that are equipped with internet access, computer, printer equipped with scanning and copying capabilities. There are two mobile carts at Crown Point and one at Winfield. The carts will be available Monday – Friday, from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., weather permitting.

The carts on a first-come, first-served basis and there is no cost to use any of the features. Please be courteous of your time while others are waiting. Please practice social distancing. Library staff will frequently sanitize the cart surfaces. Handwashing is the best defense against COVID-19 so a portable hand washing sink will be available when the carts are in use.

Our Curbside Computing mobile carts are made possible by Lake County COVID-19 Response Fund grant supported by the collaborative work of the Legacy Foundation, Crown Point Community Foundation, Foundations of East Chicago, and The John S. & James L. Knight Foundation Donor Advised Fund at Legacy Foundation.






The Crown Point Community Library building remains closed to the public at this time. Library leadership is carefully considering and planning the necessary precautions to determine when we can reopen to the community. We will communicate further information, regarding our reopening, as soon as possible. Read more information about our reopening safety measures here: and please continue to follow us on social media and online for up-to-date information.


Beginning Wednesday, May 20 CPCL will offer no-contact curbside pickup for library materials. The service will be available:

  • Crown Point location: Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Winfield location: Tuesday and Thursday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

To request library materials for curbside pickup:

Place a hold via the library’s online catalog or call the Library location by phone. When your items are available for pick-up, you will receive a notification, by text or email, or if you have opted out of notifications, the Library will call you when your items are available for pick up. (Watch a video on how to place a hold online

  • Only after you have received a notification, from the Library, should you arrive for curbside pick-up.
  • Pull into a designated curbside pick-up spot, call the Library and notify the staff member of your parking spot number. Remain inside your vehicle.
  • Library staff will bring your bagged items out to you and place them on the curbside pick-up sign.
  • Library staff are following strict sanitation, hand-washing procedures, and wear masks/face shields while delivering your materials.

Library materials can only be returned to our book drops.

  • All items are quarantined for three days before they are checked in, so you may still see items listed on your account after you return them.
  • Any fines accrued during the quarantine period are waived when they are checked in.
  • Please note that in severe weather, curbside pick-up service may be suspended temporarily. Curbside pick-up is a new procedure, please be patient as we work through the logistics of this new library service.

**We ask our patrons to help us in our efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19 when using our curbside service. Please do not use this service if you are showing symptoms, have had a fever in the last 24 hours, or otherwise think you may have or need to be tested for COVID-19.**

Please visit our digital library page for quick access to our online resources.


The Library is offering free WiFi access in the parking lot at both locations.

  • At Crown Point, the WiFi access is in the municipal parking lot located between the CP Library and City Hall. Connect to “CPCL Outdoor.” No password required.
  • At Winfield, connect to “CPCL Outdoor 2.” No password required.



Subscribe to our channel and watch our virtual storytime, STEAM activities, and more!


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Your Digital Library – Always Open!

Posted by lclemons on


Need a library card? Complete details here.


The Library can’t wait to re-open and see all the friendly faces of our community that we miss! Until then, feel free to keep your library materials. Yes, our book drops are open but it isn’t necessary to return your materials at this time. Fines will not accrue, please disregard automatic renewal notifications you may receive via email. If you already returned your materials please know they have not been checked-in to our system. As a result, your account may show your items are still checked out, but rest assured fines will not accrue.

The Library is still very much available to the public with digital collections and resources more accessible than ever.

You can access ebooks, audiobooks, learning opportunities, and much more––all free with your library card!

Click on the image below to download the flyer that includes direct links to our digital resources.

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Get A Library Card Online To Access Digital Library Resources

Posted by lclemons on

During this time, the Library invites you to explore everything we have to offer on our website. You can borrow from our digital collections, with your library card, on Overdrive, and  RB Digital, children can find books, games, puzzles and more on Tumblebooks. We also have many research databases available online with your library card. Use these databases to find articles in digital newspapers or magazines, learn about history, or practice a second language.

Need a library card?

Please submit the form below f if you are applying for a new card, updating an expired card, or have lost your pin number. All new library cardholders will need to pick up their physical card, at the Library, when it re-opens.

Online Library Card Application:

Library card requests will be addressed Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9-5 p.m.

Library responses will not be immediate. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Remember to visit our website and Facebook channel to receive up-to-date information on our closure and tips for making the most of online Library resources.

  • Please keep your library materials until we reopen.
  • All library materials checked out will have their due dates extended until we reopen and overdue fines will not accrue during this time.
  • If you have problems with the application form or additional assistance with online resources please email us at

We look forward to seeing you again when we reopen, and in the meantime, please take care of yourself and those around you.

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Library Closure Updates and Information during COVID-19

Posted by lclemons on

UPDATE December 31, 2021

Library Programming Update:

Due to the current COVID surge and library staffing levels, adjustments to the library’s program schedule are needed to ensure essential library services are maintained.

    • All in-person programs for children have been suspended until further notice.

    • Face masks are required for staff-led programs for adults.

UPDATE – JUNE 5, 2020

We are reopening soon! Read about it here A Letter From the Director

A summary of what the Library has provided to the community during the closure.

UPDATE – MAY 13, 2020

According to Governor Holcomb’s Back on Track Indiana plan, public libraries in Indiana have the ability to phase in services according to local needs, staff capacity, and the community’s situation. Since CPCL locations closed to the public on March 16, our staff have worked to provide library services in new ways, including Wi-Fi access in our parking lots, Remote Call Back services, applying for a library card online, virtual programming, enhanced digital resources, and more. CPCL is excited to phase in additional services and committed to doing so in a responsible and measured way for the safety of our staff and patrons.

Next week, CPCL will begin to offer no- contact curbside pick-up at the Crown Point location. While we are excited to open our doors to the public, we believe it is important to do our part to prevent a resurgence of COVID-19.

Below are some steps, established per the CDC guidelines, we are taking to minimize the risk for our staff and patrons, read more about our reopening safeguards here: CPCL_Reopening Safeguards

UPDATE – APRIL 16, 2020

The Library announces new digital services to help keep the community connected even while the Library buildings are closed. Read more about the latest digital services and programs offered here:

UPDATE – April 6, 2020

Although the Library buildings are closed, it is still very much available to the public with digital collections and resources more accessible than ever. Read more about here:

UPDATE  – MARCH 20, 2020

To facilitate library access during the current Library closure, the Library has set up a system to process new library cards for community members. For more information visit

On Monday, March 23 at 5 p.m. the Library Board of Trustees will hold their regular board meeting at the Crown Point Library in meeting room 1. The Library will only be open to meeting room 1 and the lobby for this public meeting. Social distancing will be enforced.

UPDATE – MARCH 17, 2020

During the time the Library is closed,  please check our website and social media channels on Facebook, Twitter for up-to-date information on our closure and tips for making the most of online Library resources.

  • Please keep your library materials until we reopen. All library materials checked out will have their due dates extended until we reopen and no fines will accrue during this time.
  • We invite you to explore everything we have to offer on our website. You can borrow from our digital collections, with your library card, on Overdrive, and  RB Digital, children can find books, games, puzzles and more on Tumblebooks.

We look forward to seeing you again when we reopen, and in the meantime, please take care of yourself and those around you.

UPDATE – MARCH 16, 2020



With consideration of decisions by state and local officials, school systems, and public health departments, Crown Point Community Library Board of Trustees and Director have made the decision to close both locations and services to the public as of Monday, March 16 at 2 p.m. until further notice.

This includes the cancellation of all Library programming occurring inside and outside our buildings.

We are closing to protect the health of our staff, our community, and our patrons, for which we care deeply. Closing sooner will offer greater benefit to the social distancing effort to limit the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Lake County.

During this time, we will utilize our blog and social media channels on Facebook, Twitter to share information with patrons, including updates on our closure and tips for making the most of online Library resources.

We look forward to seeing you again when we reopen, and in the meantime, please take care of yourself and those around you.

Update: March 16, 2020 \ 6 p.m.

The Crown Point Community Library locations will remain open at this time, however,
programs will be
 canceled and meeting room usage suspended effective

Friday, March 13, 2020, through Monday, April 13, 2020

  • Please check our website and social media for the latest information regarding the status of our programs.

  • Although the St. Patrick’s Day Parade is canceled, the last-minute announcement created difficulty with staff scheduling and the Crown Point location will remain closed on Tuesday, March 17, 2020.  

  • The Board of Trustees will hold a Special Board meeting on Tuesday, March 17 at 5 p.m. in Meeting Room 1. The doors will be open to allow the public to attend the meeting.


Thank you for understanding.


We are aware of the recent diagnosis of COVID-19 in Indiana, three in the Indianapolis area and one north of Fort Wayne. We want to share how we are addressing the concerns over Coronavirus in our public spaces:

  • Elevated cleaning measures in all buildings
  • Reminders for staff and patrons of proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette
    • Covering coughs and sneezes with something other than your hand
    • Washing hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
    • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
    • Routine wiping and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces
    • Staff are encouraged to stay home if they are ill or have a fever

Additionally, we would like to remind visitors that libraries are shared public spaces. For the health and safety of others, please be thoughtful about coming into a library if you are exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms.  (See symptoms here.) Please do your part to stop the spread of germs and disease.

  • Wash your hands frequently. Wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol if soap and water are not available.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home and away from others if you are sick.
  • Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces frequently.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.


Should I still visit my library?

If you are exhibiting flu-like symptoms or have a fever, the Centers for Disease Control and other health agencies advise that you stay home. If you prefer not to visit the library in person at this time, we invite you to explore everything we have to offer on our website. You can borrow from our digital collections, with your library card, on Overdrive, and  RB Digital, children can find books, games, puzzles and more on Tumblebooks. If you need assistance with your library card number or pin, please call (219) 663-0270.

Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) is making updates to its website as new information becomes available. You can sign up to receive updates by email.

If you experience symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath and have a recent history of travel to China or contact with someone suspected of having COVID-19 please contact the ISDH Epidemiology Resource Center at:

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You’ve got mail!

Posted by lclemons on

The imaginative play area located in the Children’s library at the Crown Point location has transformed into a post office! The post office is infused with literacy, math, and writing opportunities for children of all ages. This new play area was unveiled in January 2020 and is designed to switch themes periodically. Last month featured a grocery store and those materials have traveled to the Winfield Branch. The play area is designed to encourage the American Library Association and Public Library Association’s Every Child Ready to Read (ECRR) program which has five components, including reading, writing, singing, talking and playing, which aim to help children learn to read and improve their reading. the play area was made possible by the generous donation of the Birdzell family in memory of Sharon Greening, more information can be found here.

The grocery store is now open at the Winfield Branch Library! Stefan, age 3, was the first one to enjoy playing at the new interactive play area.



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  • Crown Point


    Monday -Thursday: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
    Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    Sunday: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.

    122 North Main Street
    Crown Point, IN 46307


    Question about the website?

  • Winfield Branch


    Mon., Wed. & Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    Tuesday & Thursday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
    Saturday: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
    Sunday: Closed

    10771 Randolph St
    Crown Point, IN 46307


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