Crown Point Community Library

Library Updates

Get A Library Card Online To Access Digital Library Resources

Posted by lclemons on

During this time, the Library invites you to explore everything we have to offer on our website. You can borrow from our digital collections, with your library card, on Overdrive, and  RB Digital, children can find books, games, puzzles and more on Tumblebooks. We also have many research databases available online with your library card. Use these databases to find articles in digital newspapers or magazines, learn about history, or practice a second language.

Need a library card?

Please submit the form below f if you are applying for a new card, updating an expired card, or have lost your pin number. All new library cardholders will need to pick up their physical card, at the Library, when it re-opens.

Online Library Card Application:

Library card requests will be addressed Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9-5 p.m.

Library responses will not be immediate. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Remember to visit our website and Facebook channel to receive up-to-date information on our closure and tips for making the most of online Library resources.

  • Please keep your library materials until we reopen.
  • All library materials checked out will have their due dates extended until we reopen and overdue fines will not accrue during this time.
  • If you have problems with the application form or additional assistance with online resources please email us at

We look forward to seeing you again when we reopen, and in the meantime, please take care of yourself and those around you.

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Library Closure Updates and Information during COVID-19

Posted by lclemons on

UPDATE December 31, 2021

Library Programming Update:

Due to the current COVID surge and library staffing levels, adjustments to the library’s program schedule are needed to ensure essential library services are maintained.

    • All in-person programs for children have been suspended until further notice.

    • Face masks are required for staff-led programs for adults.

UPDATE – JUNE 5, 2020

We are reopening soon! Read about it here A Letter From the Director

A summary of what the Library has provided to the community during the closure.

UPDATE – MAY 13, 2020

According to Governor Holcomb’s Back on Track Indiana plan, public libraries in Indiana have the ability to phase in services according to local needs, staff capacity, and the community’s situation. Since CPCL locations closed to the public on March 16, our staff have worked to provide library services in new ways, including Wi-Fi access in our parking lots, Remote Call Back services, applying for a library card online, virtual programming, enhanced digital resources, and more. CPCL is excited to phase in additional services and committed to doing so in a responsible and measured way for the safety of our staff and patrons.

Next week, CPCL will begin to offer no- contact curbside pick-up at the Crown Point location. While we are excited to open our doors to the public, we believe it is important to do our part to prevent a resurgence of COVID-19.

Below are some steps, established per the CDC guidelines, we are taking to minimize the risk for our staff and patrons, read more about our reopening safeguards here: CPCL_Reopening Safeguards

UPDATE – APRIL 16, 2020

The Library announces new digital services to help keep the community connected even while the Library buildings are closed. Read more about the latest digital services and programs offered here:

UPDATE – April 6, 2020

Although the Library buildings are closed, it is still very much available to the public with digital collections and resources more accessible than ever. Read more about here:

UPDATE  – MARCH 20, 2020

To facilitate library access during the current Library closure, the Library has set up a system to process new library cards for community members. For more information visit

On Monday, March 23 at 5 p.m. the Library Board of Trustees will hold their regular board meeting at the Crown Point Library in meeting room 1. The Library will only be open to meeting room 1 and the lobby for this public meeting. Social distancing will be enforced.

UPDATE – MARCH 17, 2020

During the time the Library is closed,  please check our website and social media channels on Facebook, Twitter for up-to-date information on our closure and tips for making the most of online Library resources.

  • Please keep your library materials until we reopen. All library materials checked out will have their due dates extended until we reopen and no fines will accrue during this time.
  • We invite you to explore everything we have to offer on our website. You can borrow from our digital collections, with your library card, on Overdrive, and  RB Digital, children can find books, games, puzzles and more on Tumblebooks.

We look forward to seeing you again when we reopen, and in the meantime, please take care of yourself and those around you.

UPDATE – MARCH 16, 2020



With consideration of decisions by state and local officials, school systems, and public health departments, Crown Point Community Library Board of Trustees and Director have made the decision to close both locations and services to the public as of Monday, March 16 at 2 p.m. until further notice.

This includes the cancellation of all Library programming occurring inside and outside our buildings.

We are closing to protect the health of our staff, our community, and our patrons, for which we care deeply. Closing sooner will offer greater benefit to the social distancing effort to limit the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Lake County.

During this time, we will utilize our blog and social media channels on Facebook, Twitter to share information with patrons, including updates on our closure and tips for making the most of online Library resources.

We look forward to seeing you again when we reopen, and in the meantime, please take care of yourself and those around you.

Update: March 16, 2020 \ 6 p.m.

The Crown Point Community Library locations will remain open at this time, however,
programs will be
 canceled and meeting room usage suspended effective

Friday, March 13, 2020, through Monday, April 13, 2020

  • Please check our website and social media for the latest information regarding the status of our programs.

  • Although the St. Patrick’s Day Parade is canceled, the last-minute announcement created difficulty with staff scheduling and the Crown Point location will remain closed on Tuesday, March 17, 2020.  

  • The Board of Trustees will hold a Special Board meeting on Tuesday, March 17 at 5 p.m. in Meeting Room 1. The doors will be open to allow the public to attend the meeting.


Thank you for understanding.


We are aware of the recent diagnosis of COVID-19 in Indiana, three in the Indianapolis area and one north of Fort Wayne. We want to share how we are addressing the concerns over Coronavirus in our public spaces:

  • Elevated cleaning measures in all buildings
  • Reminders for staff and patrons of proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette
    • Covering coughs and sneezes with something other than your hand
    • Washing hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
    • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
    • Routine wiping and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces
    • Staff are encouraged to stay home if they are ill or have a fever

Additionally, we would like to remind visitors that libraries are shared public spaces. For the health and safety of others, please be thoughtful about coming into a library if you are exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms.  (See symptoms here.) Please do your part to stop the spread of germs and disease.

  • Wash your hands frequently. Wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol if soap and water are not available.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home and away from others if you are sick.
  • Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces frequently.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.


Should I still visit my library?

If you are exhibiting flu-like symptoms or have a fever, the Centers for Disease Control and other health agencies advise that you stay home. If you prefer not to visit the library in person at this time, we invite you to explore everything we have to offer on our website. You can borrow from our digital collections, with your library card, on Overdrive, and  RB Digital, children can find books, games, puzzles and more on Tumblebooks. If you need assistance with your library card number or pin, please call (219) 663-0270.

Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) is making updates to its website as new information becomes available. You can sign up to receive updates by email.

If you experience symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath and have a recent history of travel to China or contact with someone suspected of having COVID-19 please contact the ISDH Epidemiology Resource Center at:

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You’ve got mail!

Posted by lclemons on

The imaginative play area located in the Children’s library at the Crown Point location has transformed into a post office! The post office is infused with literacy, math, and writing opportunities for children of all ages. This new play area was unveiled in January 2020 and is designed to switch themes periodically. Last month featured a grocery store and those materials have traveled to the Winfield Branch. The play area is designed to encourage the American Library Association and Public Library Association’s Every Child Ready to Read (ECRR) program which has five components, including reading, writing, singing, talking and playing, which aim to help children learn to read and improve their reading. the play area was made possible by the generous donation of the Birdzell family in memory of Sharon Greening, more information can be found here.

The grocery store is now open at the Winfield Branch Library! Stefan, age 3, was the first one to enjoy playing at the new interactive play area.



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Ready, Set . . Golf!

Posted by lclemons on

Mark your calendars for the community’s most exciting miniature golf event!

The Crown Point Community Library is excited to announce the next Library Mini Golf Event, “A Hole Lot of Fun,” is on Saturday, April 18, 2020, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

The Library will transform into an 18-hole miniature golf course for the day. Players, of all ages, will enjoy putting through the stacks, on the first and second floor, down the staircase and all the way to the “Family Fun Zone” located in the library’s public meeting rooms. Here, players will be treated to free refreshments, a balloonist, face painting, games and more!

Library Mini Golf is one of the most exciting opportunities to raise money to support library programming and brings awareness of how the Library plays an integral part in our community’s success and quality of life for its residents. The event is strategically scheduled in April to coincide with two American Library Association’s sponsored celebrations- National Library Week (April 19-25) and School Library Month. During the event, Crown Point schools compete in a hole-decorating contest. Golfers vote for the best hole and three winnings schools receive a cash prize to purchase books for their school library (sponsored by the Friends of the Crown Point Library).

The cost is $5 per person or $20 for a group of five. Tickets will go on sale, at the Crown Point Library, on April 1st. The ticket includes one round of golf and admittance to the Family Fun Zone.

Come out and join us for “A Hole Lot Of Fun” and support the Library while have fun playing mini-golf inside the Library!


This event is a great way to put your business in front of hundreds of community members. All sponsorships come with unique benefits and tickets to the event. Contact us to learn how you can sponsor a hole or donate a raffle item at the Library Mini Golf Event! Call Laura at (219) 306-4599 or email or download the sponsorship information here.


Thank you to our presenting sponsor:

Hole-In-One Sponsor:


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New imaginative play area at Crown Point location

Posted by lclemons on

In 2018, the Crown Point Community Library received a generous donation from the Birdzell Family in memory of local educator, Sharon Greening. The memorial gift was designated to assist with the development and enhancement of the Library’s early reading programming and services. The Library had been carefully planning how to utilize the donation to foster early literacy development in both the Crown Point and Winfield communities.

In 2019, in addition to renaming the Crown Point location’s Children’s Program room in Greening’s honor, a portion of the donation was used to purchase a large number of educational materials to support sensory programming for all children, but especially for children with special needs. On January 24, 2020, the Library introduced a new imaginative play area in the Children’s Library located at the Crown Point location. The area, designed to have themes that will switch out periodically, will provide an ever-changing learning experience for community children.  Some of the planned themes include a grocery store, veterinarian office, diner, farmer’s market, post office, science lab, ice cream parlor, bakery, hot dog stand, and pizza shop. The imaginative play materials will also travel to the Winfield Branch Library for use in their imagination play area. The Library’s new imaginative play area will become another reason why the Library has become a destination for both learning and fun.

This new area will support the American Library Association and Public Library Association’s “Every Child Ready to Read” program (ECRR) practices, which include talking, singing, reading, writing, and playing.  The research-based series of practices help young children develop essential literacy skills that will help them get ready to read and start on the right path to school readiness and future success.

The library’s storytime events and early literacy programs are derived from ECRR practices.  The library has always been a destination where children and families can come to learn and play together and its mission seeks to offer programs and opportunities for parents and children to interact while providing parents and caregivers resources in supporting the literacy development of their children.

The Library is thankful for the generous donations from community members and organizations. For more information on how to make a donation to the Library please contact Laura Clemons at (219) 306-4599 or email

From left: Oliver S., Gavin G. and Ophelia S. were the first shoppers at the new imaginative play area “grocery store.”
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“Sweet Reads” Winter Reading Event

Posted by lclemons on

Cozy up with a “sweet read” this winter and participate in the Crown Point Community Library’s Winter Reading Event. This year’s program theme is Sweet Reads! The program is for all ages and begins January 13 and runs through February 23. Here is how it works:

At the Crown Point location, adults will sign up on the first floor in the New Release book section, and children and teens will sign up in the Children’s Library on the second floor.  At the Winfield Branch, all ages can sign up at the Circulation Desk.


Adult Winter Reading: 

  • Register at the Crown Point or Winfield Branch Library
  • Pick up one, or more, reading logs to record the books of your choice you read this winter during the months of January and February
  • Turn in completed log sheet at the library for weekly drawings
  • At the Crown Point Library, enter your completed logs in the New Release Book Display area, and at the Winfield Branch enter your completed logs at the Circulation Desk.
  • Drawings will occur on each Monday from January 20 – February 24.

Children & Teens: 

  • Sign up in the Children’s Library or Winfield Branch Circulation Desk.
  • Receive a BINGO card. Try to finish a row down, across or diagonally for a BINGO. Check-in once a week for a prize.
  • Complete the card to enter the grand prize drawing!

 Grand Prize: Amazon Fire Tablet

(For kids Amazon Fire HD 8 kids edition  |  For teens & adults: Amazon Fire 7)

Download the library newsletter to find out about all the activities planned in January! Free movies and events for all ages!

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CPHS Student and Alumni Art Show

Posted by lclemons on

The Crown Point High School Alumni Association is sponsoring a juried art show showcasing artwork by current Crown Point High School senior class students and alumni from all Crown Point High School graduating classes. The purpose of the show is to showcase and reward the work of talented Crown Point High School students and provide a link between current students and Crown Point High School alumni who are active in the visual arts.
Cash prizes will be awarded to current students.

A presentation of awards reception will be held at the Crown Point Library on Saturday, February 1 at 2 p.m., the public is invited to attend.

For complete rules and to submit an entry please visit or email

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Census Job Application

Posted by lclemons on

The United States Census Bureau is hiring for the 2020 Census. The Crown Point Library will be providing time for interested individuals to meet with Census staff to apply to be a census taker on Monday, November 18 from 1-3 p.m. and Wednesday, November 20 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.  Interested individuals would need the following qualifications:
• At least 18 years old
• Have a valid Social Security number
• Have a valid email address
• Pass a criminal background check
• Be able to work flexible hours, including days, evenings, and weekends.
• Have access to a vehicle and have a valid driver’s license
• Have access to a computer with Internet to complete training
• Meet with Census staff to inquire about employment and to complete the application process at the library.

For more information or to apply online, visit or call 1-855-JOB-2020.

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Election Rolls Display in the Crown Point Lobby

Posted by Aaron on

The 1934 Primary Election Rolls are on display in the Crown Point Library lobby through November; starting in December, they will be on display in the Indiana Room.


These rolls were in possession of The Lake County Board of Elections and Registration.  They were found by the Honorable Lorenzo Arredondo while looking through other records at the American Legion post.  There was discussion as to the best use/display of the records so they would not be lost to time and space again.  The board decided to make an offer to the Crown Point Community Library Indiana Room as a donation of the rolls.  It was agreed between the Director, Indiana Room Specialist, and Board Representative that the record books would be transferred to the Library.  The official transfer of records to the Director and Indiana Room Specialist occurred during the July 16, 2019, Lake County Board of Elections and Registration meeting.  Following the display in the lobby, the Library agrees to make them available to the public for viewing.   Please make arrangements with the Reference Desk if you wish to view the roll books after they are returned to the Indiana Room.


Crown Point and Hobart (open to South Main Street, Crown Point)

East Chicago



Townships: Calumet, Cedar Creek, Center, Eagle Creek, Hanover, Hobart, North, Ross, St. John, West Creek, and Winfield


***PRIMARY ELECTION was held on Tuesday, May 8, 1934***

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  • Crown Point


    Monday -Thursday: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
    Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    Sunday: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.

    122 North Main Street
    Crown Point, IN 46307


    Question about the website?

  • Winfield Branch


    Mon., Wed. & Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    Tuesday & Thursday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
    Saturday: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
    Sunday: Closed

    10771 Randolph St
    Crown Point, IN 46307


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