Crown Point Community Library

Library Updates

Library water bottle filling stations are here

Posted by lclemons on

New water bottle filling stations are available inside the library just in time for the hot weather! Stations are installed at both locations.

Benefits to the stations include:

  • Refreshingly cool and consistent water temperature
  • Health benefits of drinking water
  • Improved water filtering reducing lead and other contaminants
  • Improved water taste
  • Hands-free operation
  • Reduction of plastic bottle waste, a ticker keeps track of 20 oz water bottles saved from waste
  • Antimicrobial protection inhibits the growth of mold and mildew


The stations include locked safety covers over the drinking fountain to prevent the spread of viral pathogens.

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Summer Reading is just around the corner!!

Posted by lclemons on

The library invites readers of ALL AGES to keep reading throughout the summer and the best way to do that is to participate in the library’s summer reading program! Tails & TALES is the theme this year and the eight-week event begins June 1 through July 31. There will be plenty of fun activities, virtual and in-person programs, and the more you read, the greater your chance to win great prizes!

Registration begins June 1, online or at the library. Click the book in the image for more information!

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May is National Preservation Month

Posted by lclemons on

Preserve your family records with tips from the pros! Stop in and explore all the Indiana Room has to offer. It is open during library hours and has numerous resources for your research needs. If you are unable to visit the Indiana Room, you may call 219.306.4593, or email


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Library begins to offer in-person programming

Posted by lclemons on

After over a year of virtual programming, the Crown Point Community Library is beginning to introduce in-person programming (at the Crown Point location), choosing only a few programs to transition into early summer.

Currently, the library’s monthly book club, ongoing craft, and social game groups will begin meeting in person, at the Crown Point location. Those who choose to attend the programs are required to wear a mask and observe the social distance.  The majority of children’s programming will remain virtual. Library staff is finalizing the Summer Reading schedule of events, which will include outdoor storytime programs, drop-in scavenger hunts, LEGO challenges, and more throughout June and July. All of the library’s curbside activities, for all ages, and services including curbside pick up, and curbside computing, will continue.

In addition, the Crown Point location will resume the public use of our meeting rooms and individual study rooms are available for regular occupancy.  Meeting rooms will have capacity limits and other restrictions. To reserve a study room call 219.306.4593, for meeting rooms call (219) 663-0270 ext. 226.

The ability to offer in-person programs may change in response to pandemic conditions, for up-to-date information check our events calendar and Facebook page.


Members of the Lake County Parks Photo Club have a display of photography work at the Crown Point location throughout the month of May. 


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National Library Week, April 4-10

Posted by lclemons on

The theme for National Library Week (April 4-10, 2021), “Welcome to Your Library,” promotes the idea that libraries extend far beyond the four walls of a building – and that everyone is welcome to use their services. During the pandemic, libraries have been going above and beyond to adapt to our changing world by expanding their resources and continuing to meet the needs of their users. Whether people visit in person or virtually, libraries offer opportunities for everyone to explore new worlds and become their best selves through access to technology, multimedia content, and educational programs.

“We Love Our Library” and throughout the month of April, in addition to celebrating National Library Week, we will celebrate our commitment to ensure library services were available to our community over the last year, to recognize our valuable staff for adapting to new ways of delivering services and programming online, and to our patrons for their continued support! If you are on Facebook, you can show your support by adding the campaign frame to your profile:


For more information on what’s happening at the Library, read the latest edition of our newsletter, available online and at both locations.

Please utilize our website and Facebook page for up-to-date information.



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Visit our YouTube channel!

Posted by lclemons on

Have you visited our YouTube channel? On it, you will find a variety of virtual programming including storytime, STEM activities, instructional videos on library services, collection highlights, as well as fun videos about upcoming library news!

Our YouTube channel provides instant access to experience the library in the comfort of your home. Find us on YouTube by searching for Crown Point Library, then follow us by liking and subscribing to our page. You can also choose to get a notification when a new video is posted.

New videos are released weekly – here is the latest:

Click on the icon to visit our YouTube page and SUBSCRIBE TODAY!




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  • Crown Point


    Monday -Thursday: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
    Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    Sunday: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.

    122 North Main Street
    Crown Point, IN 46307


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  • Winfield Branch


    Mon., Wed. & Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    Tuesday & Thursday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
    Saturday: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
    Sunday: Closed

    10771 Randolph St
    Crown Point, IN 46307


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