Crown Point Community Library

Wandering with those Before Us: The Cemeteries of Center and Winfield Townships


Center and Winfield Townships have several historical cemeteries that reflect the past – the growth of the area and those who were here before us.  Although there are some cemeteries that are no longer around or accessible to the public, one can still learn about the communities and how they were built.  By exploring the cemeteries, we see family names of those who influenced the areas.  We see what the communities viewed as important in the monuments.  We learn about who we are and where we came from by remembering and reflecting on the people who called this place home.

Wander around Center and Winfield Townships, explore the cemeteries and imagine what the communities were like in the past, how and by whom they were built into where we live today.  Please be respectful of the sacred grounds when you visit.

Center Township

Maplewood Historic and Maplewood Memorial Cemetery: Although the cemeteries appear as one, there are actually two cemeteries under the Maplewood name.  Each has a main entrance; however, you don’t have to leave one to enter the other, as there are roads throughout the cemetery connecting the two.  Maplewood Historic Cemetery opened in 1872 and is maintained by the city.  Its main entrance is along Wells Street.  There are several monuments in this area, including the Heroes Memorial and Solon Robinson Memorial, as well as several families and names of significance in Crown Point.  Maplewood Memorial Cemetery’s main entrance is 555 South Indiana Avenue.  It was established in 1928 and is a privately operated cemetery.  There are many family names in this area as well as the World War I memorial, The Doughboy.  Family names you will find in Maplewood include Allman, Dillabaugh, Letz, Maack, Minas, Parry, Pettibone, Root, Wagonblast, and Wheeler.

Solon Robison Memorial

The Doughboy

Civil War – Colonel John Wheeler

Veteran’s Memorial Parkway

Higgins/Youche Mausoleum

St. Mary’s Cemetery: Opened in 1867, soon after the founding of St. Mary Church, the cemetery is a mission of the church and you will find many family names of significance for both St. Mary’s and Crown Point.  It is located at 800 West South Street.  There is a large crucifix in the center of the cemetery that was donated by businessman Charles Huber and serves as the resting place for several pastors.  Family names you can locate in St. Mary’s include Geisen (the family also maintains the records and the grounds), Hack, Hillbrich, Mikuta, Rettig, Schmal, and Wirtz.

West Point Cemetery: Not a cemetery in a traditional sense, West Point Cemetery only has 1 marker with the names of those buried within the grounds.  Located at the corner of 131st Avenue and Fairbanks Street in Cedar Lake, the marker includes Obadiah Taylor, the only Revolutionary War veteran in Lake County, IN, as well as members of his family and others.

Goff Family Cemetery (private) is located along Cedar Lake Road on personal property.

Reichers/Zieseniss Cemetery (private) is located on W. 145th Avenue on private property.  It is the former site of the old Evangelical and Reformed Church.

Hansen/Heisterberg Family Cemetery is located just north of St. John’s United Church of Christ on Indiana Avenue and is not accessible to the public.

John Luther’s Wood or Lutherswood Cemetery, Old Crown Point Cemetery, and Old Burying Ground were all historical cemeteries located to the west of the current town square in several places.  All remains were moved to Maplewood Cemetery.

Winfield Township

Deer Creek Cemetery: Located on Grand Boulevard, just north of 109th Street, Deer Creek Cemetery dates to just after Winfield Township was formed.  The cemetery contains the resting places for several of the area’s earliest settlers.  Family names located within the cemetery include Burge, Patton, Weiler, and Wise.

Hickory Point Cemetery was a historical cemetery located along Lake and Porter County border northeast of Leroy.  The remains were moved to Salem Methodist Church Cemetery in Porter County, near Hebron.

Further Reading

Cemetery Records of Lake County Francis McBride (Volume 2 contains Center Township and Volume 3 contains Winfield Township). IN Room 929.5 CEM

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